Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Well, crap...

So... yesterday I was jumping through hoops to get this RV sold. A few minutes before I was supposed to leave work, I realized that I didn't have a bill of sale or any other kind of paperwork to sell off the motor home. So I ended up staying in the office an extra twenty minutes while I cruised the internet and found one I liked, and printed off a few copies.

So then I'm off to cash my check and make the last payment on the RV so I can get the title. The guy we're buying it from is hard to get hold of... Diane called his number a few times, but was only able to leave a message letting him know I'd be stopping by. Lucky for me, he was there. But apparently that was the only bit of luck I had yesterday... because he didn't have the title.

So I made the final payment, but have to wait a couple days to get the title from him.

I drove home, wondering what I'm gonna tell the buyer when I see him. Then when I get home, Diane tells me that the guy stopped by, looked at the RV, and she wasn't sure if he's gonna buy. He says he'll call us today. I won't hold my breath.

I dunno what it is with people... my ad was completely honest, and I'm only asking $2000 for the rig (it's worth at least twice that, and triple once it's fixed up). But I guess for $2k they expect it to be made of gold or something.

But I do have a Plan B. I've been talking to a guy who wants it to buy an RV to live in, but he can only afford to make payments. Not the most attractive option, but if it helps us both out...

And it's a hell of a lot better than Plan C -- which is to call a junkyard and get $100 for my $2000 rig.


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